Lively Li
Vocal / Piano / Guitar instructor
- Outstanding graduate at Capital Normal University
- admitted to the Master of Education of Capital Normal University
- High school Choir won the first prize of Municipal Music competition in Beijing
- Grade 1 secondary school teacher certificate in Beijing
- Licentiate piano performance diploma at BCCM in Vancouver
- Level 6 of Guitar at RCM in Vancouver
声乐 / 钢琴 / 吉他教师
- 首都师范大学优秀毕业生
- 考取首都师范大学教育学硕士
- 高中合唱团荣获北京市音乐比赛一等奖
- 北京市中学一级教师资格证
- 在温哥华 BCCM 获得钢琴演奏文凭
- 温哥华 RCM 吉他六级