Miranda Pei
- She holds a Master degree of Education from SFU MEd . She is also a Royal RCM Intermediate Teacher and YAMAHA Authorized Teacher.
- She is good at elementary/intermediate piano performance teaching, advanced music theory teaching.
- Person in charge of College Planning/Applications
- Experienced in teaching with diverse teaching styles and deeply appreciated by students of all ages
- 我们的钢琴老师是SFU MEd 教育学硕士,对于教育学生十分有心得。她也是加皇的RCM中级教师以及雅马哈认证教师
- 她擅长初/中级钢琴演奏教学,以及高级别的乐理教学。
- 大学规划/申请负责人
- 多年教学经验,教学风格多样,深受各年龄阶段学生的喜爱