Cello Instructor
- She is a master of music graduate from Montclair State University in the U.S., rich in teaching experience.
- She develops strategies specifically for students to improve, guides students in preparing for recitals and chamber concerts.
- She provides comprehensive guidance for students. The success rate for students passing the RCM cello exam is 100%.
- 我们的大提琴老师是美国蒙特克莱尔州立大学的音乐硕士毕业生,主修大提琴,有多年专业教课经验
- 她会为学生专门制定改进策略,指导学生准备独奏会和室内音乐会,帮助他们为地区管弦乐团和暑期项目试镜做准备
- 她不仅传授乐器的专业技巧,还对音乐理论和表演技巧进行全面的指导。学生通过RCM大提琴考试的成功率为100%