2024 Little Mozart International Competition受邀卡内基演出

Alfie 初级组 一等奖🥇
Ryan Gao 中级组 一等奖🥇
Charles Wang 中级组 一等奖🥇
Sunnie 200 中级组 二等奖🥈
Carolyn Feng 中级组 二等奖🥈


RCM Achievements 加皇考级:


Helena Chen 10yr Piano Level 8 First Class Honor



Carmen RCM level 10 Harmony 1st honor

Ziqing ARCT Harmony 1st honor

Natalia Xia ARCT Harmony 1st class honor



Jenny RCM ARCT Analysis 1st honor

Natalia Xia ARCT Analysis 1st class honor



Charles level 8 theory 1st class honor with distinction

Lucas Li RCM level 8 theory 1st class honor with distinction

Angelia Shih RCM level 8 theory 1st class honor with distinction

Joy Qin RCM level 8 theory 1st class honor with distinction

Kaden Zhu Apmusic theory 5/5



Will RCM level 10 Music History 1st class honor

Gemma RCM level 10 history 1st honor

Jenny Yu ARCT history 1st class honor with distinction

Angelia Shih level 9 history 1st class honor


Conservatory Offer 大学申请

Leo Gao – Received offer from Manhattan School of Music (Piano Performance)

Leo Gao – 曼哈顿音乐学院(钢琴演奏专业)录取

Leo Gao – Received offer from Berklee College of Music (Music Production)

Leo Gao – 伯克利音乐学院(音乐制作专业)录取


2023 AP Music Score

Vivian             5 full marks

Jenny Yu             5 full marks

Nina             5 full marks


2023 Canadian Steinway Competition

Vincent Zhang – 18Y – Piano Solo Division Gold Medal🥇

Sunny Li – 16Y – Piano Solo Division Gold Medal🥇

Sunny Li – 16Y – Piano Concerto Division Gold Medal🥇

Jenny Yu – 15Y – Piano Solo Division Gold Medal🥇

Olivia Ma – 9Y – Piano Solo Division Gold Medal🥇

Anton Ko – 16Y – Piano Solo Division Silver Medal🥈

Yisen Meng – 15Y – Piano Solo Division Gold Bronze Medal🥉

Amelia Geng – 7Y – Piano Solo Division Gold Bronze Medal🥉


RCM Achievements 加皇考级:


Sunny Li (15Y) ARCT Piano 1st Class

Jenny Yu (14Y) ARCT Piano Honor

Alex Zhao (10Y) Level 10 Piano 1st Class

Cadence Ko (16Y) Level 10 Piano 1st Class

Will Zhu (14Y) Level 8 Piano 1st Class with distinction 91%

Eddie Meng (12Y) Level 9 Piano 1st Class

Olivia Peng (9Y) Level 8 Piano 1st Class

Kevin Zhuang (12Y) Level 8 Piano 1st Class

Ziyu Wang (11Y) Level 8 Piano 1st Class

Jocelyn Sun (10Y) Level 8 Piano 1st Class

Ryan Wang (10Y) Level 8 Piano 1st Class honor

Emma Lui  (8Y) Level 7 Piano 1st Class with distinction 90%

Ryan Wang (10Y) Level 6 Piano 1st Class with distinction 90%

Charles Wang (10Y) Level 6 Piano 1st Class

Helena Chen (9Y) Level 6 Piano 1st Class

Kari Wang (9Y) Level 6 Piano 1st Class

Olivia Peng (9Y) Level 6 Piano 1st Class

Huiyi Deng (8Y) Level 5 Piano 1st Class

Angelia Shih (10Y) Level 4 Piano 1st Class with distinction 91%

Oscar Yan (10Y) Level 4 Piano 1st Class

Audrey Lin (9Y) Level 4 Piano 1st Class

Carolyn Feng (7Y)Level 4 Piano 1st Class

Lucas Zhao (7Y) Level 2 Piano 1st Class


Sunny Li (15Y) ARCT Analysis 1st Class

Ethan Peng (16Y) ARCT Counterpoint 1st Class

Anton Ko (15Y) ARCT Analysis+Harmony 1st Class

Ziqing Xiong (17Y) Level 10 History 1st Class

Jenny Yu (11Y) Level 10 History 1st Class

Will RCM level 10 Music History 1st class honor

Gemma RCM level 10 history 1st class honor

Aurora Peng (11Y) Level 9 History 1st Class

George Wang (15Y) Level 9 History 1st Class

Kelly Huang (11Y) Level 9 History 1st Class

Matthew Du (12Y) Level 9 History 1st Class

Will Zhu (13Y) Level 9 History 1st Class

三川 Level 8 Theory 1st Class

Lunar Level 8 Theory 1st Class

Kevin Zhuang (11Y) Level 8 Theory 1st class with  distinction 100%

Ema (14Y) Level 8 Theory 1st class with  distinction 96%

Chloe Ren (14Y) Level 8 Theory 1st class with  distinction 96%

Mason Zhuang (15Y) Level 8 Theory 1st class with  distinction 96%

LiYi (12Y)Level 8 History 1st class with  distinction 98%

Tiffany Lin (10Y) Level 8 History1st class with  distinction 96%

Maverick (13Y)Level 8 History 1st class with  distinction 100%

Jill Gao (8Y) Level 8 Theory 1st class with  distinction 99%

顾嘉宸  Level 8 Theory 1st class honor

Zifan Chen Level 8 Theory 1st class honor with distinction

Charles level 8 Theory 1st class honor with distinction


Jenny Yu Arct Harmony 1st class honor



2023 HYMUSIC学员

Crescendo International Competition Achievements 国际钢琴比赛结果:


Sunny Li (Advanced)🥇金奖

Ethan Peng (Advanced)🥇金奖

Yvonne Yi/Kelly Huang(Advanced)🥇金奖

Martina Gao (Inter.)🥇金奖

Anyue Sun (Inter.)🥇金奖

Ziyu Wang (Inter.) 🥇金奖

Jingyun(Olivia) Ma (Inter.)🥇金奖


Ziqing Xiong (Advanced) 🥈银奖

Anton Ko (Advanced)🥈银奖

Jenny Yu (Advanced)🥈银奖

Tongfei Gao (Advanced)🥈银奖

Eddie Meng (Advanced)🥈银奖

Chloe Ren (Advanced)🥈银奖

Matthew Du (Advanced)🥈银奖

Yisen Meng (Advanced)🥈银奖

Hanzhe(Will) Zhu (Inter.)🥈银奖

Qiteng Ma (Inter.)🥈银奖

Jiaxing Wang (Inter.)🥈银奖

Jocelyn(Zhuoxi) Sun (Inter.)🥈银奖

Haodong Zhuang (Inter.)🥈银奖

Xiyue Lou (Inter.)🥈银奖

Haoze(Charles)Wang (Inter.)🥈银奖

Olivia(Sitong) Peng (Inter.)🥈银奖

Jill Gao (Inter.)🥈银奖

Emma Lui (Inter.)🥈银奖

Liliana Duan (Junior)🥈银奖

Angelia Shi (Junior)🥈银奖

Angelina Li (Junior)🥈银奖

Kayla Li (Junior)🥈银奖


Haolin Zhang (Advanced) 🥉铜奖

Haosen Zhuang (Advanced)🥉铜奖

Maverick Zhang (Inter.) 🥉铜奖

Carolyn(Ruilin)Feng(Junior) 🥉铜奖

Haoran Wang (Junior)🥉铜奖

Oscar Cai (Junior)🥉铜奖

Joyce Li (Junior)🥉铜奖

Sunnie Zhao (Junior)🥉铜奖


🎉热烈祝贺本校学员Emma Miao 18 yrs-old

Accepted by Harvard、Stanford、Yale University

热烈祝贺本校优秀学员Emma Miao被哈佛、斯坦福、耶鲁大学录取

Naveen 18 yrs-old

Accepted by Berkley College of Music (with Scholarship)

伯克利音乐学院 钢琴演奏专业录取(含奖学金)

Accepted by UBC (with Scholarship)

UBC音乐学院 钢琴演奏专业录取(含奖学金)


2022 AP Music Score

Vincent Zhang 5 full marks

Leo Gao             5 full marks

Sunny Li            5 full marks

Ziqing Xiong    5 full marks

Julie Lin             5 full marks

William Xu        5 full marks

Vincent Zhang 17 yrs-old

Achieved RCM “Full ARCT Associate Performance Diploma” first class

RCM皇家考级 “Full Associate Diploma” 全级别荣誉第一等级


MNTA “International Member”


RCM Certificated Elementary Piano Teacher


Applying for RCM Certificated Intermediate Piano Teacher

Jenny Yu

RCM Certificate Program Level 9 History  90/100

RCM皇家考级 九级History  90分

RCM Certificate Program Level 10 Harmony  1st Class

RCM皇家考级 十级Harmony  第一等级


RCM Certificate Program Level 10 Harmony  1st Class

RCM皇家考级 十级Harmony  第一等级

Ryan Tian

RCM Certificate Program Level 9 Harmony  1st Class

RCM皇家考级 九级Harmony  第一等级

Sunny Li 14 yrs-old

ARCT Piano 1st Class honor

ARCT Analysis 1st Class honor

ARCT Harmony & Counterpoint 1st Class honor

RCM 皇家考级 “Full Associate Diploma” 全级别第一等级

Jill Gao 7 yrs-old

Canadian Young Artist Standard of Excellence Award


Emma Wang 10 yrs-old

Canadian Young Artist Standard of Excellence Award


RCM Piano Lv 8 – 1st Class Honor

加皇钢琴8级 第一等级

Leo Gao 17 yrs-old

ARCT History first class

ARCT History 第一等级

Cayla Gao 14 yrs-old

RCM ARCT Piano Performance Honor

RCM皇家考级 ARCT最高等级 荣誉等级

Matthew Du 12 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 9 Harmony First Class

RCM皇家考级 九级Harmony 第一等级

Hannah Zhang 11 yrs-old

RCM Piano Level 8 1st class honor八级第一等级

Anthony Zhang 9 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 4 Piano First Class

RCM皇家考级 钢琴四级 第一等级

Yisen Meng 14 yrs-old

Canadian Young Artist Standard of Excellence Award


Eddie Meng 11 yrs-old

Canadian Young Artist Standard of Excellence Award


Yvonne Yi 9 yrs-old

RCM Level 8 Theory 100/100

RCM 加皇八级音理  100分

Ryan Wang 9 yrs-old

RCM Level 8 Theory 100/100

RCM 加皇八级音理 100分

RCM Level 6 Piano 90/100

RCM 加皇六级钢琴 90分 第一“优秀”等级

Jocelyn Sun 9 yrs-old

RCM Level 8 Piano 1st class honor

RCM 加皇钢琴八级考级 第一等级

HongXu Li 16 yrs-old

RCM Level 10 Piano 1st class honor

RCM 加皇钢琴十级  第一等级

Fiona O.Y. 14 yrs-old

RCM Level 8 Theory 100/100

RCM 加皇八级乐理 100分

Kelly Huang 11 yrs-old

RCM Level 9 History 1st class honor

RCM 加皇 九级音乐史 第一等级

Kingsley Yu 10 yrs-old

RCM Level 10 Piano 1st class honor

RCM 加皇钢琴十级 第一等级

Olivia Peng 9 yrs-old

RCM Level 6 Piano 1st class honor

RCM 加皇钢琴六级 第一等级

RCM Level 8 Theory 91/100

RCM Level 8  乐理 91分

Helena Chen 8 yrs-old

RCM Level 6 Piano 1st class honor

RCM 加皇钢琴六级 第一等级

Olivia Ma 8 yrs-old

Chopin Piano Competition TOP 10 in National Final of China

肖邦钢琴大赛 中国赛区总决赛 全国前十

RCM Level 8 Theory 99/100

RCM 加皇八级乐理  99分

Jenny Yu 13 yr-old

RCM Level 10 Harmony & Counterpoint 1st class honor

RCM 十级和声 & 曲式分析 第一等级

Anton ko 16 yrs-old

RCM ARCT Harmony & Counterpoint 1st class honor

RCM 演奏级和声 & 曲式分析 第一等级


Kari Wang 11 yrs-old

RCM Level 6 Piano 1st Class Honor

RCM 六级钢琴 第一等级

Audrey Lin 8 yrs-old

RCM Level 4 Piano 1st Class Honor

RCM 四级钢琴 第一等级


Rebecca Jin 18 yrs-old

Accepted by Berklee, UT, UBC, McGill in Piano Performance

美国伯克利、加拿大多伦多大学、UBC、McGill等音乐学院 钢琴演奏专业录取


Yvonne Yi 8 yrs-old

CMC National round 3rd place

CMC加拿大国家音乐大赛 全国前三名

Canadian Young Artist of Excellence Award


Hanna 15 yrs-old

AP Music Theory 5/5

Music Theory AP 5 分

RCM Certificate Program ARCT Harmony First Class

RCM皇家考级 ARCT Harmony 85分 第一等级

RCM Certificate Program ARCT Analysis First Class

ARCT Analysis 84分 第一等级

Julie Lin 15 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program ARCT Piano Performance First Class

RCM皇家音乐学院ARCT钢琴最高演奏级  第一等级

RCM Certificate Program Level 10 Harmony First Class

RCM皇家考级 十级Harmony 88分 第一等级

RCM Certificate Program ARCT Analysis First Class

ARCT Analysis 83分 第一等级

Sunny Li 14 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program ARCT Piano Performance First Class

RCM皇家音乐学院ARCT钢琴最高演奏级 第一等级

Ethan Peng 15 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program ARCT Piano Performance Honors


Stephanie 16 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program ARCT Piano Performance Honors


Naveen Yang 17 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program ARCT Piano Performance Honors


Vincent Zhang 15yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program ARCT Piano Performance Honors

RCM皇家音乐学院ARCT 钢琴最高演奏级Honours

RCM Certificate Program ARCT Harmony First Class

RCM皇家音乐学院ARCT Harmony(演奏级和声)第一等级

RCM Certificate Program ARCT Analysis First Class

ARCT Analysis 87分 第一等级

Leo Gao 16 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program ARCT Analysis First Class

ARCT Analysis 83分 第一等级

Jenny Yu 11 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 10 Piano Performance First Class

RCM皇家考级 十级钢琴 第一等级

ARCT preparation


Crescendo International Competition First Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 一等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

Ella Cao 12 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 10 Piano Performance First Class

RCM皇家考级 十级钢琴 第一等级

Yisen Meng 14yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 10 Piano Performance First Class

RCM皇家考级 十级钢琴 第一等级

ZhiLun 14 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 10 Piano Performance First Class

RCM皇家考级 十级钢琴 第一等级

Alex Zhao 8 yrs-old

Steinway Competition Silver medal

施坦威钢琴大赛 银奖

RCM Certificate Program Level 8 Theory First Class with Distinction

RCM皇家考级 八级乐理 98.5分

RCM Certificate Program Level 8 Piano Performance First Class with Distinction

RCM皇家考级 八级钢琴 90分

Eddie Meng 10 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 6 Theory First Class with Distinction

RCM皇家考级 六级乐理 100分

RCM Certificate Program Level 8 Piano Performance First Class

RCM皇家考级 八级钢琴 第一等级

RCM Certificate Program Level 7 Piano Performance First Class with Distinction

RCM皇家考级 七级钢琴 90分

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 二等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

Steinway Competition Bronze medal

施坦威钢琴大赛 铜奖

Emma Wang 9 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 5 Piano Performance First Class with Distinction

RCM皇家考级 五级钢琴 90分

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 二等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

Steinway Competition Bronze medal

施坦威钢琴大赛 铜奖

Helena Chen 7 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 4 Piano Performance First Class with Distinction

RCM皇家考级 四级钢琴 90分

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 二等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

Hannah Zhang 10yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 7 Piano Performance First Class

RCM皇家考级 七级钢琴 第一等级

Brandon Huang 9 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 6 Piano Performance First Class

RCM皇家考级 六级钢琴 88分第一等级

Olivia Ma 7 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 6 Piano Performance First Class

RCM皇家考级 六级钢琴 第一等级

Harry Zhang 9 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 6 Piano Performance First Class

RCM皇家考级 六级钢琴 第一等级

Mia Wang 14 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 8 Theory First Class with Distinction

RCM皇家考级 八级乐理 100分

Isabelle Song

RCM Certificate Program Level 8 Theory First Class with Distinction

RCM皇家考级 八级乐理 100分

Gina Wang 15 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 8 Theory First Class with Distinction

RCM皇家考级 八级乐理 99分

Maggie Wang 10 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 8 Theory First Class with Distinction

RCM皇家考级 八级乐理 100分

Richard Li 11 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 8 Theory First Class with Distinction

RCM皇家考级 八级乐理 100分

Keven Pi 12 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 8 Theory First Class with Distinction

RCM皇家考级 八级乐理 100分

Kelly Huang 10 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 8 Piano Performance First Class

RCM皇家考级 八级钢琴 第一等级

RCM Certificate Program Level 8 Theory First Class with Distinction

RCM皇家考级 八级乐理 99分

Tong FeiGao  14 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program ARCT Analysis First Class

ARCT Analysis 82分 第一等级

RCM Certificate Program Level 10 History First Class

RCM皇家考级 十级历史 第一等级

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 二等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

Kingsley Yu 8 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 8 Theory First Class

RCM皇家考级 八级乐理 86分 第一等级

Faye Chen 8 yrs-old

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 一等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

Canadian Young Artist of Excellence Award


Ziqing Xiong 15 yrs-old

Canadian Young Artist of Excellence Award


RCM Certificate Program Level 9 Theory First Class with Distinction

RCM皇家考级 九级乐理 91分

Olivia Peng 7 yrs-old

Canadian Young Artist of Excellence Award


Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 二等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

Kelly Huang 9 yrs-old

Canadian Young Artist of Excellence Award


Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

美国国际音乐大赛 二等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

Ginger Lam 16 yrs-old

Canadian Young Artist of Excellence Award


Rebecca Jin 17 yrs-old

Canadian Young Artist of Excellence Award


Alina Tu 10 yrs-old

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 二等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

Angela Li 10 yrs-old

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 二等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

Brandon Huang 9 yrs-old

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 二等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

Blair Wu 10 yrs-old

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 二等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

Kelvin HELIN 9 yrs-old

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 二等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

Yisen Meng 12 yrs-old

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 二等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

Ella Cao 10 yrs-old

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 二等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

Ethan Peng 13 yrs-old

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 二等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

Gemma Yin 12 yrs-old

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 二等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

Hannah Zhang 10 yrs-old

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 二等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

IreneZheng 12 yrs-old

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 二等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

Kiki Fan 12 yrs-old

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 二等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

Preston Ju 5 yrs-old

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 二等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

Tiffany Hu 9 yrs-old

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 二等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

William Zhou 8 yrs-old

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 二等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演


Ginger Lam 16 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program ARCT Piano Performance First Class

仅用5个月时间学习并通过 ARCT钢琴演奏级考试

Steinway Competition Teenage group Silver medal

施坦威钢琴大赛 青年组 银奖

Emma Miao 15 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program ARCT Piano Performance First Class

仅用5个月时间学习并通过 ARCT钢琴演奏级考试

Steinway Competition Silver medal

施坦威钢琴大赛 青年组 银奖

WPGA music competition first place

WPGA音乐大赛 全校第一名

Alex Zhao 7 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 4 Piano Performance First Class with Distinction

RCM皇家考级 四级钢琴 95高分

Vincent Zhang 14 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 10 Piano Performance First Class

RCM皇家考级 十级钢琴 89分

Canadian Young Artist of Excellence Award


Central Conservatory International Competition National Golden Medal

中央音乐学院国际青少年钢琴大赛 BC省 金奖 加拿大全国 金奖

Alex Zhang 11 yrs-old

Canadian Young Artist of Excellence Award


Olivia Peng 7 yrs-old

Crescendo International Competition First Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 一等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

Matthew Zhang 10 yrs-old

Crescendo International Competition First Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 一等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

Leo Gao 15 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 10 Piano Performance First Class

RCM皇家考级 十级钢琴 第一等级

Central Conservatory International Competition National Golden Medal

中央音乐学院国际青少年钢琴大赛 BC省 金奖 加拿大全国 金奖

Olivia Ma 6 yrs-old

Steinway Competition “Best Baroque Award”

施坦威钢琴大赛 唯一一个巴洛克最佳演奏奖

Crescendo International Competition First Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 一等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

Central Conservatory International Competition National Silver Medal

中央音乐学院国际青少年钢琴大赛 BC省 银奖 加拿大全国 银奖

Rebecca Jin 17 yrs-old

Steinway Competition Teenage group Silver medal

施坦威钢琴大赛 青年组 银奖

Central Conservatory International Competition National Golden Medal

中央音乐学院国际青少年钢琴大赛 BC省 金奖 加拿大全国 金奖

Jenny Yu 11 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 8 Piano Performance First Class

RCM皇家考级 八级钢琴 第一等级

Lilian Liang 13 yrs-old

Steinway Competition Youth Teenage group Silver medal

施坦威钢琴大赛 少年组 银奖

Yvonne Yi 7 yrs-old

Steinway Competition Youth group Silver medal

施坦威钢琴大赛 少儿组 银奖

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 二等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

Central Conservatory International Competition National Silver Medal

中央音乐学院国际青少年钢琴大赛 BC省 金奖 加拿大全国 银奖

Felix Bian 10 yrs-old

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛 二等奖 应邀去美国纽约卡耐基音乐厅表演

Central Conservatory International Competition National Silver Medal

中央音乐学院国际青少年钢琴大赛 BC省 金奖 加拿大全国 银奖

Ryan Tian 10 yrs-old

Central Conservatory International Competition National Silver Medal

中央音乐学院国际青少年钢琴大赛 BC省 金奖 加拿大全国 银奖

Julie Lin 14 yrs-old

Canadian Young Artist of Excellence Award


RCM Certificate Program Level 9 Harmony First Class

RCM皇家考级 九级和声 第一等级

Central Conservatory International Competition National Silver Medal

中央音乐学院国际青少年钢琴大赛 BC省 金奖 加拿大全国 银奖

Sally Ding 18 yrs-old

Central Conservatory International Competition National Silver Medal

中央音乐学院国际青少年钢琴大赛 BC省 银奖 加拿大全国 银奖

Naveen Yang 16 yrs-old

Central Conservatory International Competition National Silver Medal

中央音乐学院国际青少年钢琴大赛 BC省 银奖  加大全国 银奖

Faye Chen 8 yrs-old

Central Conservatory International Competition National Silver Medal

中央音乐学院国际青少年钢琴大赛 BC省 银奖 加拿大全国 银奖

William Zhou 8 yrs-old

Central Conservatory International Competition National Silver Medal

中央音乐学院国际青少年钢琴大赛 BC省 银奖 加拿大全国 银奖

Matthew Du 10 yrs-old

Central Conservatory International Competition National Silver Medal

中央音乐学院国际青少年钢琴大赛 BC省 银奖 加拿大全国 银奖

Tongfei Gao 13 yrs-old

Central Conservatory International Competition National Silver Medal

中央音乐学院国际青少年钢琴大赛 BC省 银奖 加拿大全国 银奖

Alina Tu 10 yrs-old

Central Conservatory International Competition National Silver Medal

中央音乐学院国际青少年钢琴大赛 BC省 银奖 加拿大全国 银奖

Leo Tu 12 yrs-old

Central Conservatory International Competition National Silver Medal

中央音乐学院国际青少年钢琴大赛 BC省 银奖 加拿大全国 银奖

Ziqing Xiong 14 yrs-old

Central Conservatory International Competition National Silver Medal

中央音乐学院国际青少年钢琴大赛 BC省 银奖 加拿大全国 银奖

RCM Certificate Program Level 8 Theory First Class

RCM皇家考级 八级乐理 第一等级

Chris Chen 15 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 8 Theory First Class

RCM皇家考级 八级乐理 第一等级


Leo Gao  13 yrs-old

CMC National Final Round “First Place”

CMC加拿大国家音乐大赛 全国总决赛第一名

RCM Certificate Program Level 9 History First Class

RCM皇家考级 九级历史  第一等级

NaveenYang  14 yrs-old

CMC National Final Round “First Place”

CMC加拿大国家音乐大赛 全国总决赛第一名

Invitee of “Austria meets China cultural ceremony”

Performed at the Goldener Saal

获邀出席第九届欧洲中国文化节 在维也纳金色大厅演奏

Rebecca Jin  17 yrs-old

Crescendo International Competition First Place (with 100%),

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛  以满分的成绩获得一等奖应邀在纽约卡耐基音乐厅演奏

Emma Miao  14 yrs-old

Little Mozart International Competition First Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Little Mortzarts 美国国际音乐大赛  一等奖 应邀在纽约卡耐基音乐厅演出

RCM Certificate Program Level 10 Piano Performance First Class

RCM皇家考级 十级钢琴   第一等级

Julie Lin  13岁 yrs-old

Little Mozart International Competition First Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Little Mortzarts 美国国际音乐大赛  一等奖 应邀在纽约卡耐基音乐厅演出

RCM Certificate Program Level 9 History First Class

RCM皇家考级 九级历史  第一等级

VincentZhang  13 yrs-old

Invitee of “Austria meets China cultural ceremony”

Performed at the Goldener Saal

获邀出席第九届欧洲中国文化节 在维也纳金色大厅演奏

Leo Tu  9 yrs-old

Little Mozart International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Little Mortzarts  美国国际音乐大赛  二等奖 应邀在纽约卡耐基音乐厅演出

Kingsley Yu   8 yrs-old

Little Mozart International Competition Third Place

Little Mortzarts 美国国际音乐大赛  三等奖

Amy Zeng   14 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 10 Piano Performance First Class

RCM皇家考级 十级钢琴   第一等级

Little Mozart International Competition Third Place

Little Mortzarts美国国际音乐大赛  三等奖

Alex Zhang  11 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 10 Piano Performance Honors

RCM皇家考级 十级钢琴   通过并达ARCT分数

ZiQingXiong   13 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 8 Piano Performance First Class

RCM皇家考级 八级钢琴   第一等级

Ella Cao   10 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 7 Piano Performance First Class

RCM皇家考级  七级钢琴   第一等级

Jenny Yu   10 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 6 Piano Performance First Class

RCM皇家考级 六级钢琴   第一等级


EmmaMiao  13 yrs-old

Canadian Young Artist of Excellence Award

加拿大青少年艺术家模范奖 影响力奖

NaveenYang  13 yrs-old

Canadian Young Artist of Excellence Award

加拿大青少年艺术家模范奖 进步奖 接受Tom Lee的人物专访

Attended the Steinway young artist club’s “Christmas show”

获邀参加斯坦威青少年艺术家俱乐部 “琴声迎圣诞”专场音乐会演出

Crescendo International Competition First Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛  一等奖 应邀在纽约卡耐基音乐厅演奏

Little Mozart International Competition First Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

LittleMozart美国国际音乐大赛 一等奖兼奖学金 应邀在纽约卡耐基音乐厅演奏

Vancouver Kiwanis Festival Piano Duet “First Place ”

温哥华Kiwanis音乐节   双钢琴  一等奖

Vancouver Kiwanis Festival Baroque Piano “First Place ”

温哥华Kiwanis音乐节  巴洛克组  一等奖

Vancouver Kiwanis Festival Romantic Piano “First Place ”

温哥华Kiwanis音乐节  浪漫组  二等奖

LeoGao  12 yrs-old

Canadian Young Artist of Excellence Award

加拿大青少年艺术家模范奖 进步奖 接受Tom Lee的人物专访

Attended the Steinway young artist club’s “Christmas show”

获邀参加斯坦威青少年艺术家俱乐部 “琴声迎圣诞”专场音乐会演出

Crescendo International Competition First Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛  一等奖 应邀在纽约卡耐基音乐厅演奏

Vancouver Kiwanis Festival Piano Duet “First Place ”

温哥华Kiwanis音乐节   双钢琴  一等奖

Vancouver Kiwanis Festival Romantic Piano “First Place ”

温哥华Kiwanis音乐节  浪漫组  二等奖

AnnieChen  12 yrs-old

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛  二等奖 应邀在纽约卡耐基音乐厅演奏

AmyZeng  13 yrs-old

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛  二等奖 应邀在纽约卡耐基音乐厅演奏

VincentZhang  12岁yrs-old

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛  二等奖 应邀在纽约卡耐基音乐厅演奏

KicyWei  13 yrs-old

Crescendo International Competition Second Place,

invitee of performing at Carnegie Hall Crescendo

Crescendo美国国际音乐大赛  二等奖 应邀在纽约卡耐基音乐厅演奏

AlexZhang   10 yrs-old

Vancouver Kiwanis Festival Classical Piano “Second Place ”

温哥华Kiwanis音乐节  古典组  二等奖

Vancouver Kiwanis Festival Romantic Piano “Second Place ”

温哥华Kiwanis音乐节  浪漫组  二等奖

JennyYan   13 yrs-old

Vancouver Kiwanis Festival Classical Piano “Third Place ”

温哥华Kiwanis音乐节  古典组  三等奖


Bonnie Feng  12 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 8 Piano Performance First Class

RCM皇家考级 八级钢琴  第一等级

Amy Zeng 12 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 9 Piano Performance First Class

RCM皇家考级 九级钢琴  第一等级

Xin YiHuang 11 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 9 History First Class

RCM皇家考级 九级音乐历史  第一等级

Amber Huang 10 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 8 Theory First Class

RCM皇家考级 八级音乐理论  第一等级

Erin Yu 14 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 8 Piano Performance First Class

RCM皇家考级 八级钢琴  第一等级

RCM Certificate Program Level 8 Theory First Class

RCM皇家考级 八级音乐理论  第一等级

Bianca Gilchrist 14 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 8 Theory First Class

RCM皇家考级 八级音乐理论  第一等级

Kicy Wei 13 yrs-old

RCM Certificate Program Level 7 Piano Performance First Class

RCM皇家考级 七级钢琴  第一等级


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