Yiming Huan / 宦一铭


  • Pianist, Piano Educator, Steinway young Artist, M.MUS
  • Yiming served as Adjudicators at various music competitions worldwide.
  • Yiming was invited to play in the Golden Hall in Vienna and Carnegie Hall in New York City. And was awarded the “Outstanding Performance Award” by the City Council of Vienna, Austria
  • Yiming‘s students have received outstanding achievements, including 1st place at CMC national final – Canada’s most distinguished competition.
  • Her solo concert was collected into Canada’s first education-focused CKUA radio station, founded in 1927.
  • In 2019, Richmond, Canada, the City Council awarded her with the “Honorary Award for Outstanding Contribution”
  • Yiming was featured on the National China Post- “Chinese Cultural Masters”



  • 施坦威青年艺术家,加拿大钢琴演奏硕士,钢琴教育家,HYMUSIC音乐学院创办人,金钥匙国际荣誉协会会员
  • 多项音乐国际比赛评委
  • 曾在维也纳金色大厅、卡内基音乐厅演奏。并获颁奥地利维也纳市议会“杰出表演大奖”
  • 加拿大全国第一大音乐比赛”Canadian Music Competition“冠军导师
  • 她的独奏音乐会被收录进加拿大第一家教育电台CKUA
  • 美国Crescendo国际音乐大赛授予“顶级导师”
  • 北美RCM考级协会授予Top Tier ”顶级导师“
  • 中国关心下一代授予 Top 100 ”顶级导师“
  • 曾任职南京师范大学音乐学院从事钢琴表演教学
  • 多篇钢琴教育文章在中国核心期刊发表
  • 中国邮政将她收录进入“中国文化名家”系列邮票